Summer School 2023: Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions

I’m going to be part of the Summer School “Probing Innovation: Prospecting, Valuing, and Negotiating F®ictions“, which will be organized at the University of Lausanne from 6 to 9 June, 2023.

Schermata 2023-03-02 alle 12.58.14The 1st STS Lab Summer School, held at the University of Lausanne (Switzerland) from 6 to 9 June 2023, will be Probing Innovation by bringing together leading scholars and upcoming researchers, thus offering a forum for engaged discussion and critical reflection on “innovation” and its multiple aspects, including the prospects, values, facts, and f®ictions (Lowenhaupt Tsing 2005, 2020) at play in empirical cases, the “registered trademark” sign indicating one recurring friction, between private and public interests – others are to be added (e.g., between R&D and PR, if not “fact”and “fiction”), depending upon field, STS interest, and approach.

Download the info  here.

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